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"Fire!" Stara roared. Naga thugs grabbed their weapons and rushed to the front. Fisherman Nightcrawler looked frightened. Unfortunately, natural disasters bought goblin artillery, poison, knights and wizards and couldn’t play in the sea. Motriti observed the situation through a narrow crack in the window. What enemy made the fanatics of Hena so nervous? The extremely low temperature told her that it should be near Northrend. Who will attack the natural disaster fleet at this time? Maybe poverty and nervousness are just a few blind pirates sitting in the main ship. Kel’ Thuzad stared at the ocean direction, and the coastline of the harbor lingered in the horizon. It was Northrend. The climate was extremely bad, only in summer, it was short and unfrozen. He knew that Alsace had landed in this place centuries ago. What he didn’t know was that howling wind fjord would be the burial place of the natural disaster fleet.

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The blow wind blew down that flimsy window, and Motti unplugged the wat grass stuck to her hair angrily. but just then, she saw the… Read More »"Fire!" Stara roared. Naga thugs grabbed their weapons and rushed to the front. Fisherman Nightcrawler looked frightened. Unfortunately, natural disasters bought goblin artillery, poison, knights and wizards and couldn’t play in the sea. Motriti observed the situation through a narrow crack in the window. What enemy made the fanatics of Hena so nervous? The extremely low temperature told her that it should be near Northrend. Who will attack the natural disaster fleet at this time? Maybe poverty and nervousness are just a few blind pirates sitting in the main ship. Kel’ Thuzad stared at the ocean direction, and the coastline of the harbor lingered in the horizon. It was Northrend. The climate was extremely bad, only in summer, it was short and unfrozen. He knew that Alsace had landed in this place centuries ago. What he didn’t know was that howling wind fjord would be the burial place of the natural disaster fleet.